
This page contains all the instructions for installing LiteGapps in various modes, make sure you follow the steps correctly.


Magisk, kernelsu, Apatch (Systemless Mode) Installation

You can install it directly in magisk manager, kernelsu manager or apatch manager.

RECOVERY Mode (Non Systemless)

Even though this is only [recovery] mode, you can also install it in various places such as Magisk Manager, KSU Manager and custom recoveries such as TWRP, OrangeFox, Lineage Recovery. but this only confers to recovery mode.

Device A Only

  • Reboot Recovery
  • Wipe or format data
  • Install rom
  • Install litegapps
  • Reboot system/OS

Device A/B partition

  • Reboot recovery
  • Install rom
  • Install Recovery
  • Reboot Recovery
  • Format Data (If necessary)
  • Install LiteGapps
  • Reboot system/OS


  1. SYSTEMLESS MODE makes it not work fully 80%, this will cause small problems such as synchronizing Google contacts and others.

  2. Make sure that your ROM does not have gapps installed, if it is installed there will be a conflict in the system.